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Код: 22809
birch bark products tuesok for tea, 13 x 10
0.00 USD
birch bark products tuesok for tea, 13 x 10 Berevian tusk for tea is beautiful, it is original. It is made of natural wood, decorated with pretty patterns and inscriptions scorched on Bereste. Tusk's cap is tightly closed, which contributes to the safety of the product, which is located in it. When there are such cute little things in the kitchen, even the food seems much delicious. Also, you can buy the same tuski for salt and tea. A good mistress is always all at hand, all on the shelves and everything is signed! You can buy Chrisian Tuesuck "Tea" for yourself or as a gift to your relatives, close or friends. By ordering in Moscow, Berchinaya Tuesok, you can be sure that he will be delivered to anywhere in the world on your instructions.Похожие товары: $10.25
$9.85 $8.20