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Presents > birch bark products > birch bark products plate, 5 sheets, 7 x 19
birch bark products plate, 5 sheets, 7 x 19
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Код: 4514

birch bark products plate, 5 sheets, 7 x 19

8.60 USD
In stock:3
Sold since:May 18, 2017
Вес:0.51 кг
Pcs per package:1
Высота:6 cm
Диаметр:22 cm

birch bark products plate, 5 sheets, 7 x 19

It's nice to go home after a working day, sit on the sofa, stretch your legs, turn on the TV and see your favorite series or a fantastic fighter. And the domestic cinema will be fully able to fully help you from natural barks. You can fill it with a dish chips, crackers, popcorn or loved seeds. Buy Suharnitsa and enjoy the aroma of environmentally friendly material - it is small what you can do for yourself with our store. Do you know that Beresta smells like a mushroom forest? Beresta is the top layer of the birch bark, which is a natural antiseptic due to the game in the composition. Keep products and drinks in Berevian dishes, and they will not ruin for a long time and retain taste. The plasticity and light of Berriest allows the masters to create suitis patterns and small details, so the barking dishes decorate the interior. Author's products are at the peak of popularity in Russia and other countries.