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Presents > Nesting doll > 5 pcs. > Nesting doll 5 pcs. 5 pcs "doctors"
Nesting doll 5 pcs. 5 pcs "doctors"
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Nesting doll 5 pcs. 5 pcs "doctors"

24.55 USD
In stock:In stock. Ship. Feb 20, 2025
Sold since:Sep 8, 2016
Вес:0.35 кг
Pcs per package:1
Высота:15 cm
Материал:дерево, липа

Nesting doll 5 pcs. 5 pcs "doctors"

What to tell about this set of nested dolls (matreshkas)? All is simple - a usual professional gift. To any doctor. Especially to the one who loves the work. Just look at the big syringe in his hands! And what a pleased smile on the face! If you see such kind doctor, then you will hiccup for two weeks. And all that he is doing is only for preservation of your health. Now you have excellent opportunity to play a joke with such comrade, having shown him his true face!

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