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Код: 427
Easter egg wooden flowers
6.75 5.60 USD
Easter egg wooden flowers How this tradition of presenting eggs emerges? Short after Jesus’ ascension Maria Magdalene came to Rome for an evangelic sermon. In those days on a visit to the emperor it was appropriate to present him gifts. That was why Maria Magdalene who had nothing but her faith in Jesus offered emperor Tiberius an egg with exclamation: “Christ has arisen!”. The emperor who had doubts remarked that nobody could rise from the dead and that her words were as difficult to believe as impossible was the fact that a white egg could turn red. No sooner had he finished his speech than the egg began to turn bright-red. Since then it is a custom to make colored Easter eggs and present them. This one would make a perfect gift, at the same time it can be regarded as one of most delightful collectibles.Похожие товары: $1.95 $1.60
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